Friday, February 21, 2014

My Farm

To give you a long brief i will tell you how Superman is doing. He is 2 times bigger than he was a month ago. He probably weighs about 150 pounds by now. He is eating  calf starter now, although i would like it if he would eat more of it be cause milk re-placer is pretty expensive. Milk re-placer is about 40 to 50 bucks a bag, so yeah it would be helpful to my expenses if he would eat more calf starter. he is drinking water as well. I will post regular pictures of Superman from now on to show you how big he is getting.
          I also have rabbits on my farm and right now I have five rabbits. I had eight but I sold six and bought 3 does (females). The three does that i bought are called Netherland Dwarf rabbits. This is what they look somewhat like...

I also have an older doe that i hope will have another litter of kits because her last litter died because it was too cold for them to be born, also because i didn't have a heat lamp on them because they came 2 days early. But thankfully she will have another litter here in another week or two. This is what she looks like.

This is what the daddy rabbit looks like.