Monday, January 13, 2014

My life the passed couple weeks...

So I have been pretty busy. Recently i have i inherited a newborn calf. he is about a week old now and he is defiantly growing. We have named him Superman because it is a miracle he is alive. by chance my dad had decided to go and check on our cows. he gets out of the truck to see if the water in the tank was frozen. it wasn't but he hears a loud moo and it sound like a cow in stress. He thought " oh no some coyotes got a hold of one of the calves" but then he drives down in the bottoms and find a wet calf, lying in the snow, while it is -11 degrees outside. he picks it up and puts it in the floor board of his truck and turns the heat all the way up and points it at the calf on the floor boards. We bring him home and we put him in our garage. He was not moving very much and we didn't think that he was going to make it over night. I guess we got enough*colostrum in him that he was alright. it took him a couple days to learn how to suck on the bottle but he soon figured it out and now he is drinking 18 cups of milk a day. that is two whole bottle a day. he is like a dog to me and I hope he grows well. i will show him next year at the fair. i will show him as a bull because i don't want to show him as a steer because if he is a steer he will be sold to slaughter and i already love him too much to let that happen.                                                                                                                                                       

 It happened a little like that but it took him a little longer to get the hang of it because he has never influenced by cows.

O n the other hand for Christmas my favorites gift that i got was my .270 Winchester.
It looks a little like this but the stock and fore stock is a bit different. 

 My Dachshund (wiener dog) has epilepsy that means that he has seizures and he can't help it. The vet says it can be triggered by a lot of things. Scooby's is triggered by people, like having family dinners, or having friends over. I tis really sad, I don't know if it hurts him or not either. Also if the seizures happen too frequently then we will have to put him on medication. to go with that he is also hurting because the other day he was under my bed and i reached in to pull him out from the bed and when i touch him he whimpered and i tried again and he snapped at me but he didn't hurt me or anything. I just pray for him to get better because i don't want to put my dog down at 2 years old.


  1. I like the video about the calve is talking is first steps and the gun is cool looking

  2. nice gun i just got a stainless steal 270 Winchester

  3. for christmas i got a 2 43 it is really awesome that you got a 270 and i hope scooby gets better.

  4. i know how you feel about Scooby, because i have a dog that has the same thing wrong with him. The vet gave us some medication, and he has not had a seizure for at least two months. I hope that gave you more hope, and i hope he is okay. :(

  5. thats a goofy calf.

  6. i feel sorry for your dog Scooby :( but also i like your gun

  7. i love scooby and i dont want to see him be put down either. you also sent me a picture of your calf and i hope it does well.
